------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog for Main (engine, Linux C++ server & client driver) ------------------------------------------------------------- To convert your system and/or applications from older version of VDDBMS, please consult the file 'CONVERTING.main'. Current SVN trunk: ------------------ * Not yet Version 0.9.2: -------------- * The VDDBMS's super (system) user name and password have been changed from 'gcl_ddbms_user' to 'gcl_ddbms_user_s'. * A new table 'gcl_ddbms_system.aggtable_mapping_list' has been added to the resource catalog. * The data type of 'gcl_ddbms_system.resource_list.DBName' has been changed from 'CHAR(128)' to 'CHAR(255)'. * The data types of: 'gcl_ddbms_system.user_database_list.Name' 'gcl_ddbms_system.user_table_list.Name' 'gcl_ddbms_system.stored_procedure_list.Name' 'gcl_ddbms_system.stored_procedure_list.BindToDB' have been changed from 'TEXT' to 'CHAR(255)'. * Most of the data source definitions are now put in one file, 'engine/src/test-resdef.h'. This would ease the configuration process when testing the library in many different system. * Filename and soname versioning for plugin library files. * Initial implementation of the support for aggregate table (currently unstable). Version 0.8.9: -------------- * The lock manager server/client and VDDBMS server/client should now support IPv6. * Added new special SQL commands for adding, removing, and replacing resources. * Added a new operator 'HAS NONE' for cursor evaluation in stored procedure. * Added new stored procedure builtin-functions, formatDate(), formatTime(), and formatDateTime(). These functions can be used to format date and/or time from integers. * The SQL engine now supports checking of date and/or time value. Currently, the supported formats are: Date : YYYY/MM/DD Time : hh:mm:ss ±hhmm Date and time : YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss ±hhmm Note that the GMT offset is mandatory. * A new execution mode 'mdebug' was added to the VDDBMS network server daemon (gclddbmsd). In this mode, the daemon will print debugging messages (including the user name and password!). * Minor makefiles improvements. * Minor bug fixes and code cleanups. Version 0.7.9: -------------- * A new field has been added to the resource catalog table 'gcl_ddbms_system.resource_list'. * The Mutex class is now using native recursive-mutex. This should reduce the number of occurrence of the crash bugs. * On program crash, the library now will try to unlock all locked resources. * Form this version, only symbols that will be needed to develop user applications and plugins are exported (utilizing the GCC's -fvisibility=hidden and -fvisibility-inlines-hidden options). * The Thread class is now using 1 MB stack by default. This would permit more simultaneous connection to coexist. * The OnDiskList class can now eliminate adjacent copies of the same value for fields with fast-extraction attribute. * The SQL parser is rewritten. The new implementation seems to be slower, but it is much more extensible. * All plugins now contains versioning informations (magic number and ABI compatibility version). * All the daemons now print the version, copyright, and license text when printing the help text. * Added functions to retrieve the engine/module/library version. * Added new special SQL commands for managing blob tables and their contents. * Added the code to prevent 'updating the field that defines the horizontal fragmentation key'. * A new ODBC-based connection/SQL translator driver was added (currently it is not too usable). * The number of simultaneous connection allowed for gclddbmsd is reduced from 1000 to 250 for the default configuration. * Minor bug fixes and code cleanups. Version 0.6.5: -------------- * A new field has been added to the resource catalog table 'gcl_ddbms_system.resource_list'. * Two fields have been added to the resource catalog table 'gcl_ddbms_system.resource_usage_list'. * The majority of the crash (segmentation fault) bugs in the engine should have been fixed. * The rename table bug which cause inconsistency in the resource catalog has been fixed. * The DDBMS engine no longer uses persistent (keep-open) connection to the backend DBMS. * The DBMS connection objects can now retry several times in case of failed connecting to the backend DBMS. * The DBMS connection objects can now utilize connection cache. * The lock manager server daemon (lmserverd) now has an optional parameter to specify the port. * The configuration file for VDDBMS server daemon (gclddbmsd) now has an additional setting to specify the lock manager port. * The code for tracking the number of stored records is temporarily disabled (commented out). * Improvement in how the DBRow class handles NULL value. * Added a makefile configuration file, Makefile.config. * Added the support for user-defined database name for the backend DBMS (it was only allow 'gcl_ddbms_data' as the database name). * Added the support for atomic integer manipulation and comparison from within stored procedure. * Added the support for Oracle DBMS backend. * A PHP binding library for the network-client API was added. * Renamed the PHP binding function ddbmsDestroySessionObject() to ddbmsConnectionDestroySessionObject() for the direct-engine-access local API. * Minor bug fixes and code cleanups. Version 0.5.0: -------------- * Initial public release.